Welcome to United Clubs of Central Texas & Killeen Presidents Council

We are a community of different motorcycle clubs driven with goals and dedicated to promoting motorcycle protocol to the new riders and non-club members for the betterment of our Central Texas residents. Our mission is to foster a sense of unity and belonging through shared interests which includes, riding our bikes, charity events, fundraisers and experiences shared on the road. Here we do not judge, we believe in Respect, Honor and Keeping our Word. 


In many cultures, people are considered to be worthy of respect until they prove otherwise. Some people may earn special respect through their exemplary actions or social roles. In so-called "honor cultures", respect is more often earned in this way than granted by default.


A quality that combines Respect, being Proud, and Honesty.


 Keeping your words means to act in alignment with what you sayIt also signifies consistency regarding your spoken promises and commitments. When you keep your word, you uphold your promises and follow through on what you’ve committed to do. It’s an essential quality, especially in professional and personal relationships. Trust is built when people know they can rely on you to do as you’ve said. Beyond mere words, keeping your word demonstrates respect and shows that you have someone’s back. So, remember actions speak louder than words.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I join a club?

You can ask about a Motorcycle Club by speaking to one of its members.

How should I greet someone?

If you're wearing sunglasses, take them off. If you are sitting then stand up. Extend your hand and look the person in the eyes and introduce yourself.


How should I pass a pack of riders?

Ride up slowly to the tailgunner in the back of the formation. Once the tailgunner notices you, they will either tell you to go ahead and pass the pack which you should do at a moderate speed an not gun it. If the tailgunner says no, then pull back.

Contact us.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about UCCTexas and how to get involved.


United Clubs Of Central Texas
Killeen, Texas, United States

About us

United Clubs Of Central Texas and the Killeen Presidents Council were founded with a vision to bring people together through shared interests and activities. Our organization aims to create a sense of community and belonging, offering a diverse range of clubs and events to cater to our unique passions of assisting our Central Texas area. Whether you're looking to stay active by riding, expand your knowledge of motorcycle culture, or just want to support, you are welcome. Remember to always come with Respect.


MC Protocol 101:  http://www.rcvsmc.net